Biologists have discovered that wild chimpanzees communicate using similar gestures to humans (do they give researchers "the finger?") This will give linguists a clue as to how language evolved among humans.

Researcher Anna Roberts has identified 20 to 30 manual gestures used by chimps, a third of which are similar to those used by humans. These include beckoning to make someone approach and flailing their arms to make someone leave (so if you don’t want to be compared to a primate, watch your gestures). Roberts thinks they suggest that a common ancestor of both humans and chimps must have used similar gestures.
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"Let’s look very carefully at the structure of prophetic revelations in the New Testament, the Old Testament and the Koran," suggests Joseph Farrell. And that’s just what he does, pointing out that these messages from higher beings are consistent across cultures and over time. This consistency is so exact that it is difficult to believe that there is not a single POLICY behind them all. He asks the question: "Would they look at the systems that have developed out of their words as something good for mankind?"
Or is their policy, instead, to sow chaos and to derail human society?
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