John the Baptist roamed far and wide, but did he end up in what is today’s Bulgaria? His bones may have, anyway, but they may have been taken there after his death in a relic.

The handful of bones was found in 2010 by Romanian archaeologists Kazimir Popkonstantinov and Rossina Kostova while they were excavating an old church site on the island of Sveti Ivan, which translates "St. John." The church was constructed in two periods in the fifth and sixth centuries.
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When you watch the "Arab Spring" protestors on the nightly news, there’s something you should know: our own government plans to monitor activity on social networks in order to get hints of political unrest. Facebook and Twitter each have close to a billion users, many of whom post daily updates on their thoughts and feelings. This amounts to self-surveillance–saving covert agencies the trouble and expense of physically spying on us.
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The Ocean X team returned from their first expedition investigating the mysterious object they discovered in the Baltic Sea with more questions than answers. This mysterious object is about 200 feet wide and is lying on the bottom of the Baltic Sea, which is in Scandinavia, near Denmark.

There are formations on top of the object which look like passageways or walls, as well as something that could be a staircase. They also found a hole that could be an entrance, but they don’t yet know where it leads.
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