Stan Gordon has been researching UFOs since he was sixteen years old, and over those years has amassed some of the most extraordinary information in the world on this or any subject. Listen as he tells us not only of powerful cases from the past, but also of some recent incidents that will haunt you for a long time to come. This is UFO information of the highest quality, provided by one of the world’s most experienced experts.
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We have LOADS of special treats for our subscribers right now. You have a coupon that gets you a beautiful, hardcover copy of Whitley’s wonderful novel Hybrids for only $5 (it makes great beach reading). 
PLUS you get to listen to incredible interviews with contactees, such as Susan and Christina, both of whom learned all about UFOs from local Indian tribes.
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Stan Gordon is one of the all time greats when it comes to high strangeness research. He has been involved with the investigation of thousands of mysterious events including UFO sightings, encounters with strange creatures such as Bigfoot, Black panthers, thunderbirds, as well as many other very weird events.
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