Initially, this appears to be a plane, but as the video continues, the shape is revealed to be very unusual.
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Here’s another way men and women are different: Men’s offices have more bacteria than women’s offices. Also, New York City offices have more germs in them that San Francisco offices (and what about the bathrooms?)

This was discovered in a study of the bacteria in more than 90 offices in three cities–San Francisco, New York and Tucson–and on five types of surfaces: chairs, desktops, phones, computer mice and keyboards. The bacteria count in men’s offices was 10 to 20% greater than in women’s.
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Every 11 years, during the high point of the sun’s activity cycle, the magnetic field on the sun reverses completely. Does this have any effect on the Earth (which has its own pole shift?)

Space scientists agree that the switch is imminent at the north pole, well in advance of general predictions that solar maximum for this cycle will occur in 2013.
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