Will "Star Trek" type travel–teleportation–ever become possible?

It’s not yet possible for humans, but it IS possible with atomic particles which have become "entangled." Physicists first did this in 1997, using a single pair of entangled photons, or particles of light. This happens when pairs of particles become linked in such a way that measuring a certain property of one instantly determines the same property for the other, even if separated by large distances.
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This video of a stone with apparent magnetic properties has been posted on YouTube. Problem is, it doesn’t function like a magnet–at least, not one without another magnetic field nearby to cause it to move. However, the first part of the video shows the object on a wooden table. There could easily be a powerful magnet under the table. The second video is more subtle–the object appears on a glass table. But look closely. A third of the glass is obscured by what appears to be a stone base. So, is the magnet hidden there? As always, there’s a remote possibility that this is something genuinely anomalous. How your Out There editor longs for that ONE video that is beyond dispute!
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Cave paintings discovered in Spain in the 1870s have been dated using a new process and found to be 15,000 years older than thought. This makes them 41,000 years old, so old that they may have been made not by modern humans, but by Neanderthals. What makes them so important is that they date from the time when modern humans first came to Europe from Africa.

The paintings depict a red sphere (the sun?) and many handprints made by blowing pigment on a hand that was placed against the cave wall. Scientists dated the Spanish cave paintings by measuring the decay of uranium atoms in the paint.
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