All those baseball players got in trouble for no reason: new research reveals that exercise-related testosterone and growth hormone do NOT play an influential role in building muscle after weightlifting, despite conventional wisdom suggesting otherwise.

Bodybuilders–and professional athletes–who try to manipulate those hormones through exercise routines are wasting their time. Researcher Daniel West says, "A popular mindset for weightlifters is that increased levels of hormones after exercise play a key role in building muscle. That is simply not the case.
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We all think we know why sex is good, but not the way biologists do. These scientists have speculated for a long time on why all living things don’t simply reproducing by splitting like amoebas. It doesn’t sound like much fun, but we could evolve to the point that this type of reproduction could give us an orgasm.
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A stonecutter in Brazil woke up to find himself a thousand feet up in the air on a mountain, with no idea of how he got there. We remained on his precarious perch for 17 hours, until he was finally rescued by firefighters. The rescue itself took 12 hours. Even sleepwalking can’t explain something like this.

José Berti decided to walk to his brother’s house in a nearby town, and when he arrived, he was tired, so he fell asleep. He woke up on top of a nearby mountain. The inexplicata website quotes Claudecir Berti, the man’s nephew, as saying, "Only God knows how he got there."
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