This video from January of 2012 has just surface. It shows unidentified lights over Hong Kong at the same time that an unusual sound is being recorded. There is no reason to believe that the video is hoaxed. While the sounds are similar to others recorded elsewhere, they do not appear to be a precise match to any recording in our files, meaning that this is probably not a dubbed video. The lights could be a blimp at high altitude, but at three in the morning, the greater likelihood seems to be an unknown object. This is the only known video that associates strange sounds and unknown lights. To watch Jaime Maussan’s Third Millennium report with blow-ups of the object, click here.
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There is a coupon in the subscriber section offering $10.00 off the physical edition of Whitley Strieber’s beautiful Tarot book, the Path. This takes the price down to just 95 cents.

The Path is unique in the world. There is no other Tarot book like it, and no other way of using the Tarot that brings such insight into life. The Path is the only place where the hidden wisdom of the Tarot is revealed as it was intended to be understood when the cards were first created.
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This was found in samples of shrimp purchased in New York. Researchers have found evidence of antibiotics–one of them a suspected human carcinogen–in seafood imported into the United States and purchased from grocery store shelves. The antibiotic nitrofuranzone, a probable carcinogen, was found in two of the samples–one from a farm in India and the other from Thailand. Both samples were 28 and 29 times higher than the amount allowed by the FDA.
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What’s that up in the sky? Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it—a drone?

Due to a FOIA request, the government has been forced to reveal that there are at least 63 active drone sites around the US and they are SPYING on civilians! (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). They are being launched from locations in 20 states, including Mississippi, Kansas, Arkansas, New Mexico, Ohio, California, Washington State, Texas, Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, North Dakota, Virginia, and Utah.
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