This is a good compendium of UFO footage from around the world that appeared in April. It starts with what is probably a meteor, but goes on to show a number of good shots. Some of these have already appeared on Out There, but not all. A powerful reminder of just how much of what is in our skies is unknown.
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If you’re a male who was "born bad," Mom can save you, but she can also be the root of the problem, which is why Moms need to be smart!

By comparing the testosterone levels of five-month old pairs of twins, both identical and non-identical, researchers were able to establish that testosterone levels in infancy are not inherited genetically but rather determined by environmental factors.
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It’s the kind of transformation we DON’T want: Children who are exposed to violence experience wear and tear to their DNA that is similar the changes that come with aging. In a study of identical twins, researchers found that kids who had experienced violence had shorter genetic structures (called telomeres) than children who had more peaceful upbringings. It’s one more reason to give them a "time out" rather than a spanking!
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