Unknowncountry.com has run numerous stories on the continuing threat from the Fukushima Daiichi power plant near Tokyo. The most recent was about Senator Ron Wyden’s visit to the plant, after which he said that the situation was much worse than the Japanese were saying, and gave as his primary reason the fact that the failure of spent fuel pools on the site is inevitable should there be another even fairly minor earthquake in this earthquake prone area.read more

Think you’re arguing over money? Nope, you’re fighting because you ate too much fatty food for supper.

Today’s busy families often rely on fast food and take-out to keep everyone fed and on schedule. Researchers suspect that those types of food, which are often high in saturated fat, impact the body’s reaction to stress, leading to bouts of marital discord.
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Some of the flame retardants added to carpets, furniture upholstery, plastics, crib mattresses, car and airline seats and other products to suppress the visible flames in fires are actually increasing the danger of invisible toxic gases that are the main of death in fires. Almost 10,000 deaths from fires occur in industrialized countries worldwide each year, including about 3,500 in the US. Contrary to popular belief, inhalation of toxic gases released by burning materials–not burns–causes the most deaths and most of the serious injuries.
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