New studies show that a widely used insecticide can threaten the health of bumblebee colonies and interfere with the homing abilities of honeybees.

Science Daily quotes bee researcher Dave Goulson as saying, "Some bumblebee species have declined hugely. For example, in North America, several bumblebee species which used to be common have more or less disappeared from the entire continent. In the UK, three species have gone extinct."
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At 11 seconds in something that could be a large bird speeds past the wing of this landing plane. There appears to be a sound connected with it and passenger reaction. Is it a bird, though? The plane seems to react to it much more violently that one would expect, given no impact. So what was it. One thing is clear: it’s unidentified.
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A hum coming from somewhere in Detroit is driving people across the border in Canada crazy, to the extent that it’s become a become an international diplomatic incident: Canada dispatched an aide to their foreign minister to the area to try to find its source and put a stop to it.

In the April 30th edition of the Wall Street Journal, Alistair MacDonald and Paul Vieira describe the "Windsor hum" as a low-frequency rumbling sound that can be as loud as an idling diesel truck and can rattle windows and knock objects off of shelves. Many Canadians keep their furnaces or air conditioners turned on all the time in order to drown out the noise.

But here’s what’s really strange: People on the American side of the border can’t hear it.
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