The Sion-Stargate connection to the 2012 Summer Olympics is a surprising and unexpected discovery. Something is hidden in the symbolism of the Olympics. The logo is a square 2012, but when it is spread out, it spells Sion. This is so clear that Iran has been concerned enough to threaten to pull out. Here, Chad Stuemke explains this symbolism and asks just what might be about to happen at the Olympics, then Claire Henry, who was a UK resident for many years and was born there, explains her concerns about the event.

Chad Stuemke’s website is ChadStuemke.comread more

The reason that Whitley Strieber invited David Weatherly on Dreamland was that he had an encounter with a black-eyed child in the presence of another witness. Whitley describes this incredibly strange encounter to David, and gets the opinion of one of the few researchers who could be called an expert in this field.

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Frightening reality or urban myth? Who are the sinister black-eyed children that are being reported worldwide? They are knocking on doors, rapping on windows, asking to come in. They seem to need an invitation, but why? David Weatherly describes his research into the phenomenon as Whitley Strieber asks, ‘can this be real?’ EXCEPT, Whitley has reason to believe that it may be. It turns out that he has seen such a child…
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Will there be a pill (or vaccination?) that everyone could take that would guarantee moral behavior?

Some people are altruistic, while others are not. Why do some people risk their lives to help others, when some won’t even bother to dial 911? When researchers there took two rats who shared a cage and trapped one of them in a tube that could be opened only from the outside, the free rat usually tried to open the door, eventually succeeding. But only 23 of 30 did this, meaning that rat responses in emergencies–like human responses–vary.
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