This object was picked up accidentally on by a passenger on a KLM flight from Amsterdam to Dallas on March 17. The UFO appears in the first few seconds of the video, but another YouTuber has provided a stabilized image that contains enough digital information to make it clear that this is not a balloon. It was hovering in heavily monitored airspace but received no official notice that was shared with the public. To see the stabilized footage, click here.
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If you could read an elephant’s mind, would he be constantly thinking about sex? It’s doubtful: Zookeepers in the US have a big problem–new elephant bloodlines are needed and it’s hard to get enough elephant sperm.

The solution? Elephant sperm banks. The Pittsburgh Zoo has established the first elephant sperm bank in the US, joining an international groups of zoos, including ones in France. Semen will be collected from wild elephants in South Africa and frozen, then shipped to zoos that need more variety in order to avoid inbreeding.
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A rating system developed to promote sustainable roadway construction has awarded its first official certification to a project that incorporates porcelain from recycled toilets. The newly widened sidewalk also incorporates more than 400 recycled toilets.

Greenroads spokesman Jeralee Anderson says, "It’s a big milestone for us. They said: ‘Yeah, I think we can do something with that. ‘We’ll throw it through the crusher and see what we come up with.’" What they came up with was what the project engineers call "poticrete." The project ended up using about 5 tons of toilets.
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