Another Argentine UFO, a cylinder
Argentina has always been a UFO hotspot, and this object is another example. We will be watching for more reports from Argentina, as UFO activity takes place in waves.
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Argentina has always been a UFO hotspot, and this object is another example. We will be watching for more reports from Argentina, as UFO activity takes place in waves.
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This video from Argentina recalls the sun videos taken by Tim Edwards in Colorado in the early 1990s. Obviously, the sunlight is reflecting off something in the sky, but it’s a stretch to assume that it’s an alien spacecraft.
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There is little reason to disbelieve this photo. The sighting is under investigation by MUFON, and the cylinder has a classic appearance.
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A lot of unemployed people are settling for any job they can get, and in many cases, this means cooking fast food or being a waitress or waiter in a restaurant. If this is your first job that involves shift work, it can be tiring–but is it DANGEROUS? Is it bad for your health?
A recent study found that shift work at a young age is associated with elevated long-term cortisol levels and increased blood pressure. Previous studies have shown that long-term elevated cortisol levels lead to increased abdominal obesity, hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular risk.
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