The objects in the photograph shown in this news story were seen not just in Princeton, Indiana, but all over the region. They did not behave like any known object, so they are certainly classifiable as UFOs.

Editor’s Note: I’ve been editing this section of Unknowncountry since the inception of the website. There is no doubt in my mind that UFOs represent something real. And yet, we never seem to progress beyond the point of objects in the sky and a smattering of close encounters a la Whitley Strieber. I think a lot about why this would be so, and I’m glad to see Frank Feschino back on Dreamland lately, because I believe he has a big part of the answer: we shoot at them. So, what would we do if natives on some isolated island shook their spears at us when we tried to approach them?read more

Frank Feschino returns to talk about a document from the Project Bluebook special investigations file involving a case that was identified as a hoax, but which, according to Frank’s research, is anything but. Here, he carefully takes us through exhaustive research that basically proves that the whole Braxton County Monster case not only happened, but was documented to have happened in official records that were not kept secret, but buried and neglected. Frank has reconstructed the true story from those documents. 

This interview contains some of the most compelling descriptions of UFO activity, conflict with UFOs and aliens that we have ever presented on this program.

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Bigfoot sounds have been recorded for years, and Ron Moorehead of probably knows more about this than any other researcher in the field. Ron tells us about his research, and we listen to a sample of Bigfoot sounds that he has either recorded himself or authenticated. At the same time, he explains that Bigfoot has language, and just what some of the sounds actually mean.

This program comes at a very special time in the annals of Bigfoot research, as both US and Russian scientific teams are on the point of publishing DNA research showing that Bigfoot is indeed a separate species, a combination of modern humans and a previously unknown human species that apparently died out around 15,000 years ago. 
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In order to know that, we need to know how many whales were in the oceans 200 years ago, BEFORE the industrial whaling era. One way to do this is to measure whale songs, but how can we listen to sounds that no longer exist?

Two researchers have managed to do that by using whaling records to estimate how loud whale sounds were 50 years ago, compared to today, by analyzing whaling records, assigning sound levels to the number of whales killed, and comparing those sound records to the CURRENT ocean racket. They have come to the conclusion that the ocean is much louder today, now that most whaling has become illegal.
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