When your Out There editor took a look at this video, I assumed ‘hoax.’ But then I noticed that none of the usual easily identified signs of an amateur CGI job were present, so I was intrigued enough to send it to one of our video experts, who was intrigued. My conclusion: I still think it’s probably CGI, but it is very well done. Our special effects expert is not so sure. This is his reaction:

"It has old style stars and bars on the hull. We do still use them but
usually they are grey. Why our Air force would be so dumb to plant those
on the hull is beyond me. Still the composite work is amazing. Very well done
if it is composite work. Additionally the lighting match is perfect as is the densityread more

Last week, Gary Osborn and Scott Creighton took us on a thrilling journey into their new interpretation of this great pyramid and its relationship to the heavens. This week, they concentrate on what they believe to be the PROPHECY encoded in the Giza Plateau, and what it may mean for us now.

William Henry is in Egypt now, and hopes to examine some of the 
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Barbara Hand Clow has been on Dreamland many times since our first interview with her in 2004, and on the show this week she offers insight into the great planetary trauma that destroyed our past civilization so completely that it is remembered only through trauma buried deep within all of us. Here, with Whitley Strieber, she tells us what this past civilization was actually like, and what we have lost. But then she goes deeper, explaining how there are new dimensions of consciousness opening within us, and how we can actually regain the level of consciousness that we lost during the catastrophe.
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Barbara Hand Clow returns to Dreamland with an explosive new idea–that the end of the world isn’t at hand at all, that we are actually entering a new period of creative growth as the human mind accelerates to a new level of consciousness. She tells Dreamland guest host Marie D. Jones how a series of changes that accelerated through 2011 opened many of us to new energies, while causing deep terrors left over from an extraordinary catastrophe that ravaged our planet over 10,000 years ago to emerge again in many others.read more