Alzheimer’s stinks, but its victims don’t know this because one of the earliest indications that a patient is coming down with this dread disease is loss of the sense of smell. If we learn how to reverse this, we may learn how to REVERSE the disease in the future!

Smell loss can be caused by a number of ailments, exposures and injuries; but since the 1970s, it has been identified as an early sign of this disease. Researchers have found a way to restore this in mice by removing a plaque-forming protein in their brains. Will they be able to reverse the entire disease soon?
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The traditional idea that modern humans left Africa and spread throughout the world about 50,000 years ago, replacing all other species of human, is changing. Instead, genetic analysis shows that modern humans encountered and bred with at least two different types of ancient humans: the Neanderthals, who lived in Europe and Asia, and a mysterious, newly-discovered group known as Denisovans, who lived in Asia.
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