The are a lot of strange sounds around lately (NOTE: subscribers can still listen to these special reports). Two unusually powerful explosions occurred in Siberia on February 9th and 12th–were they caused by the same thing as the Tunguska explosion of 1908? The explosions were so huge that the residents of nearby cities felt powerful tremors and many of them ran out into the street in a more

Beginning in March of 2011, people began posting videos on YouTube of odd sounds that seemed to have no source. I first became aware of them about a month ago, when Anne and I briefly heard one filling the air, a great roaring that died away as suddenly as it had begun. It was just enough to cause us to take notice, but we thought no more of it. A few days later, there was a reporter here interviewing me about Solving the Communion Enigma. The moment he came into the apartment, he asked what the strange noise was. He described it as a sound like a glass harp. We couldn’t hear it at all. He adjusted his equipment, determined that it wasn’t being picked up by his recorder, and completed the more

Our video experts continue to believe that this is a hoax. The reason is that this enormous object, which allegedly appeared over Toronto a few days ago, generated not a single news report in that city. Once again, the claim is being made that it has appeared over Holland, and yet again, only a brief video clip, not a single news story. In fact, if something that large appeared over a populated area, it would cause a sensation. Until we see news stories, we’re still with our video experts.
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