An Earth-like planet recently spotted outside our solar system is the first that atromomers have found that could support liquid water and harbor life.

Liquid water is what astronomers look for, and the newly found planet is located at the perfect distance from its sun—just the right distance so that the water on its surface doesn’t freeze or vaporize.

The new planet is about 50% bigger than Earth and about five times more massive. It’s called Gliese 581 C, after its star, Gliese 581, a small red dwarf star that is about one-third as massive as the Sun.
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"Contactees" commonly report that aliens "talked to them inside their heads," meaning they communicated with them telepathically. Often these people communicate with them right back, the same way, and a whole conversation takes place inside two heads. Soon, human-to-human speech may be the same way.
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For three weeks, Whitley and Anne Strieber have witnessed strange sounds a number of times, including one ultra-high strangeness incident that took place in their apartment. Whitley has also corresponded with a number of witnesses and verified the authenticity of some of the videos that have been posted on YouTube amid a flood of hoaxes. Here, Whitley Strieber and Linda Moulton Howe discuss the sounds he has heard and researched, and engage in careful speculation about what these sounds may represent.
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