Strange sounds have been recorded worldwide, accompanied by an equally strange flood of hoaxes and hostile comments from apparent dummy YouTube accounts. Exactly what is going on is not clear, but the bottom line, as revealed by Linda Moulton Howe and Whitley Strieber in this week’s Dreamland, is that some of them are genuine unknowns. Without a recording of the one that was heard yesterday on Primrose Hill in London, it isn’t possible to analyze it, but it seems unlikely that an outright hoax would be reported like this, without an accompanying audio track.
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Strange sounds began to be heard in various parts of the world in March of 2011. At first, few people took notice, but the number of reports began to rise more quickly after September, until by Febuary of 2012, there are hundreds of reports, most of them posted as videos on YouTube. A substantial number of these are hoaxes, either using manufactured sounds or simply repeating recordings made by others.
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Richard Dolan is among the most highly respected UFO researchers of all time, and here he predicts that we’re reaching a tipping point after which the average person is going to know that UFOs represent some sort of unknown intelligent presence in our world. Then he goes on to tell us just how this will change our lives and our world, causing a profound disconnect between the population and the established media, military, scientific and governmental authorities.
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Not all fat is the same: The GOOD kind of fat is what’s called "brown fat," because it helps you LOSE weight. Fat people have less of it than thin people. Older people have less of it than younger people. Men have less of it than younger women.

It’s actually is brown in color and it burns up calories as fast as you can ingest them. If scientists could find a pill that would increase our brown fat, obesity would be a thing of the past.
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