The fireball that crossed Texas and Oklahoma last week and was captured on a policeman’s video is now under investigation by the FAA. Although it has been dismissed as a meteor, the fact that it had no glowing debris tail calls that idea into question. The object was also seen to change colors as it moved through the sky. (The video of the object appeared in Out There last week.)
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This exceptional video of a six foot black cat made near Stroud in the UK leaves no doubt that such animals exist in that country. Its unusual gait suggests that it is not an ordinary panther, but possibly an indigenous feline predator. Similar animals have been sighted and occassionally photographed in the UK for years. This is the best video of one ever made.
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If you want your last words to be remembered, put them on Facebook. The Facebook app "If I Die" makes sure you can still send out your last wishes and post messages to your friends even years after you die (at least this is information that won’t be stolen from you Facebook account).

On the Masable website, Zachary Sniderman quotes Eran Alfonta, who designed the app, as saying, "We all have things to say and don’t necessarily have the audience with the patience to hear us. Actually, we all want to leave something behind, we all want to leave a stamp behind us."
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The idea of a simple, cheap and widely available device that could boost brain function (no more late nights studying for exams?) sounds too good to be true, but it may be a reality. Neurologists are coming up with brain stimulation techniques that may make us all smarter in the future.

Recent research shows that one type of brain stimulation in particular, called transcranial direct current stimulation or TDCS, can be used to improve language and math skills, memory, problem solving, attention, and even movement.
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