Explorer Peter Lindberg found a very strange object on sonar. It’s the size of a 747, but circular and has a trail behind it 1200 feet long, so it is heavy and it probably slid into place. But what is it? It’s in Swedish waters in the Baltic, so there is a possiblity that we will actually find something out next summer when Lindberg’s group returns to the site. (But if it’s an alien spacecraft, don’t count on it!)
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Our laws have not kept up with new discoveries in neuroscience, meaning that a jury could declare someone guilty when a crime isn’t necessarily his (or her) fault. How should insights about the brain affect the course of a criminal trial, from the arguments in a courtroom to the issuing of a sentence?
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Geologists say that recent earthquakes in Ohio and Oklahoma are directly linked to deep wells that were used to dispose of liquid wastes produced by the hydraulic fracturing or "fracking" of natural gas. At least 177 similar disposal wells are located throughout Ohio.
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