At roughly 3:30 into this video, something, possibly a bird, seems to strike this luminous object and then drop away at a 45 degree angle. The video is authentic, and, I might comment, similar to many orb videos I have seen involving jet contrails. Orbs appear around these contrails too often for comfort. There would seem to be some connection.
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For our subscribers, we go deeper with Anne Strieber’s latest interview of a close encounter witness. Given how convincing the evidence of close encounter has become–as shown in this week’s Dreamland, for example–Anne Strieber’s witness interviews are of extraordinary importance. They offer profound insight into the meaning of the experience, and thus are a window into what is likely to be a truly incredible human future, as contact continues to spread.

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For our subscribers, we go deeper with Anne Strieber’s latest interview of a close encounter witness. Given how convincing the evidence of close encounter has become–as shown in this week’s Dreamland, for example–Anne Strieber’s witness interviews are of extraordinary importance. They offer profound insight into the meaning of the experience, and thus are a window into what is likely to be a truly incredible human future, as contact continues to spread.
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The US has always advocated free speech, and the internet has become a forum for various ideas, to the extent that it is behind the revolutions in Russia, China and Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt. But since Congress agreed to give the military power to conduct "offensive" clandestine strikes online, they may be targeting US.
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