A new eight year long European study concludes that salt consumption is not dangerous and may in fact be GOOD. This is certainly contrary to advice from American Medical Association, American Heart Association and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which says higher sodium consumption can increase the risk of heart disease. It’s not unusual to see differing opinions, but what are we ordinary folks to make of the controversy?
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The Mayan people of Guatemala don’t agree with the December 21st, 2012 prophecy, and there are more Mayan ruins there than in any other place in South America.

In the December 30th edition of the Guardian, Kevin Rushby writes, "The Mayans are a people much interested in time and number. They count in 20s, a human-size unit–all the fingers and toes–which they multiply by the number of major joints in the body–13–to make 260. Long ago they noted that the planet Venus moved from being an evening to a morning star in 260 days, the same time it takes to grow a crop of (corn) and to complete a human pregnancy. "
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Over the past 15 years, a mass of fresh water from ice melt has been building under the Arctic ice cap. The water is trapped under the Beaufort Gyre in the western Arctic, and presently represents about 10% of all the fresh water in the Arctic. It appears in the form of a bulge under the ice, and is kept in place by the permanent anti-cyclonic winds that blow around the gyre. The water is coming from melt-swollen Siberian rivers, and the bulge is growing by about six inches a year, meaning that billions of gallons of water are continuing to accumulate in it.
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This is probably one of the strangest stories we have ever posted. The reason is that there is every indication, from night vision to blurred vision in daylight, that this child has tapetum lucidum in his eyes, the same material that enables animals to see in the dark and also causes their eyes to glow at night when a light shines on them. The human need for ultra-clear vision during daylight has caused our eyes to evolve away from those of animals. While some primates have tapetum lucidum, this child’s eyes would appear to be absolutely unique in the human world.
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