The new iBook licensing agreement means that content that you create in the software is de facto owned by Apple because you cannot sell it anywhere except through Apple marketing outlets. And if they reject it, you cannot sell it to anybody else, either. In other words, if you create in the software, you become a sort of indentured servant to Apple. It’s as if Microsoft said that content created in Word was owned by them and could only be distrubuted through outlets they controlled. It is EXACTLY the same thing and mark my words, the entire software industry will sieze on this.
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We know that the Visitors are changing our brains. It turns out that the act of reading changes our brains too (but some types of reading are better than others).

When psychologists used brain scans to see what happens inside our heads when we read, they found that "readers mentally simulate each new situation encountered in a narrative." The brain weaves these situations together with experiences from its own life to carve out new neural pathways.
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Almost no one in the US wants to EAT whale meat, but lots of us like to go out in a boat and try to spot these wonderful creatures. To see a huge eye rise up out of the water when a whale breaches and slaps its tail loudly on the ocean surface is one of the thrills of a lifetime.
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It’s because we LIE to OURSELVES about what turns us on–you have to meet that special one IN PERSON for your hormones (and your libido) to ramp up. Even the sexiest description just won’t work. No matter how much people say they’re looking for someone smart, who they can trust and laugh with, what they REALLY WANT is a sexually attractive partner (and this applies to both to men AND women).
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