Winter can be a depressing time of year. Gray days may keep you indoors, but if you’re gloomy, you may need to get out in the sun, because low levels of vitamin D (the vitamin you get from sunlight) have been linked to depression.

Psychiatrist . E. Sherwood Brown says, "Our findings suggest that screening for vitamin D levels in depressed patients–and perhaps screening for depression in people with low vitamin D levels–might be useful."
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Last week, this journal started with the paragraph: "My new book, Solving the Communion Enigma is being murdered in the bookstores. There is no other way to say it. Try finding it in a bookstore."

Now it turns out that it is moving out of the stores very well, and that’s thanks to you. There have also been some good reviews of it, for which I could not be more grateful. Communion Enigma is important. It breaks new ground and, to my joy, the reviewers are beginning to recognize this.
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