What Are You Doing Tomorrow?
And for the rest of 2012–Do you have any idea? If you had our beautiful 2012 crop circle calendar you’d KNOW! You’ll never see one in a store window, because you can ONLY get it from us.read more
Pollution May Cause Hurricanes
Pollution affects the ocean in many different ways. One of these is that it causes hurricanes. A recent increase in the intensity of tropical cyclones in the Arabian Sea may be a side effect of increasing air pollution over the Indian sub-continent.
Traditionally, prevailing wind-shear patterns prevent cyclones in the Arabian Sea from becoming major storms, but the weakening of the winds has enabled the formation of stronger cyclones in recent years–including storms in 2007 and 2010 that were the first recorded storms ever to enter the Gulf of Oman.
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A Bad Boss Can Wreck Your Marriage
If you’re lucky enough to have a job, do you take your work home with you? It turns out that having an abusive boss not only causes problems at work but can lead to strained relationships at home. The stress and tension have an impact on the employee’s partner, which affects the marital relationship and the employee’s entire family. A bad boss could estrange you from your kids or even break up your marriage.
But there’s hope: The same study also found that more children an employee has at home, the greater family satisfaction he or she has, and the longer the partner’s relationship, the less impact the abusive boss has on the family.
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