6.5 million people in the Northeast US are without power, including all of Manhattan below 39th Street. Nuclear power plants in the region are on alert because of the danger that they may lose outside power supplies, or their water exchange systems may be flooded. The power plants rely on diesel generators for backup power. Outside power is essential to the continued functioning of their cooling pumps.
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Although Big Tobacco is creating a product that is totally bad for us, while $600-billion pharmaceutical industry is selling hope, they tend to use the same tactics–especially when it comes to lies.

Doctors don’t like to admit it, but often they don’t have any idea whether the drug they’re prescribing will work or not because the drug companies keep this information secret.

The Economist quotes researcher Ben Goldacre as saying, "Medicine is broken (and) the people you should have been able to trust to fix [its] problems have failed you."
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When shopping for a computer or a new appliance, what makes you choose one brand over the other? There are lots of things to consider: How it works, any special features it may have, cost, repair reputation–even color and design. But here’s one feature you probably never thought about: How it SOUNDS.
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