Randy Bell’s experiences and frequent UFO sightings started with a close encounter in 2007, but why did they continue in just the way they have? There are thousands and thousands of close encounter witnesses, but very few who are able to photograph UFOs on a regular basis. Randy reveals what makes him different from most of us, and also opens up about a childhood experience that will be eerily familiar to many close encounter witnesses, especially those of us who had ‘secret school’ contact as children. Randy’s story is strange and powerful…and yet also one that so many of us share in both broad strokes and details.
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The wonderful prehistoric cave paintings found in Europe were not made by humans–not by modern humans, anyway. A new way of determining the age of some of those paintings reveals that they were made by Neanderthals (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). This is especially eerie when we realize that many of the paintings were made by blowing pigment over the artist’s hand–and that these were not the hands of modern humans.
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80% of the antibiotics sold in the US are fed to chickens, pigs, cows and other animals that people eat, yet the farmers who raise these animals are not required to report on which drugs they use on what types of animals, and in what quantities they use them.. This lack of data makes it difficult to find out what relationship between routine antibiotic use in animals and antibiotic-resistant infections in people is. Infections from antibiotic resistant superbug bacteria kill thousands of people every year.
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