UFO 500 feet over Hollywood.
A UFO was sighted low over West Hollywood in Los Angeles, headed toward Venice Beach. This seems like a straightforward witness report, but there is no video.
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A UFO was sighted low over West Hollywood in Los Angeles, headed toward Venice Beach. This seems like a straightforward witness report, but there is no video.
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Last night in our chat room, the subject of the Shroud of Turin came up briefly, and one of the chatters pointed out some of the striking similarities between the marks on the Shroud and those on the Sudarium of Ovieto, which is supposed to be the cloth with which Veronica wiped the face of Jesus, or perhaps the cloth with which his face was covered before he was placed in the tomb.
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Over the next couple of years, two things will happen: first, the planetary environment is going to tank; second, a few of us are going to find our way toward the future by using an ancient tool in a very new way.
This tool is meditation, and the new use of it involves simultaneous meditation in groups. These groups do not need to be in the same room. Participants can be physically anywhere. At first, it is most useful for them to meditate together at the same time. Later, this will not matter, as we learn how to engage in meditation outside of time.
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Lots of things change our brains (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these shows). Changes in sensory experience can cause massive rewiring of the brain, even as one ages. This rewiring involves fibers that supply the primary input to the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for sensory perception, motor control and cognition.
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