Researcher André Rousseau, an expert on acoustic waves, says that his investigations of the seismic waves recorded on September 11, 2001 in the Palisades, over 20 miles away from the WTC site, and published by the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, prove that the 3 Twin Towers buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, not by airplanes (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to these incredible shows).
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There are parasites that infect certain insects and turn them into self-destructive zombies (and it turns out this can happen to people too–do you own a cat?)

When a shrimp-like creature called a gammarid gets infected by a certain type of worm, it becomes a zombie and swims towards the water’s surface, where they can easily be picked off by birds, which the worms need to complete their life cycle.
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It has now been 66 years since Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 UFO sightings and the Roswell Incident, and we’re still waiting. Or are we? I’m not. I’m engaged with the visitors and I have been since 1985. And I’m not alone. More people are discovering that it’s possible to engage with them right now, and to take it deep. But most of us are waiting–for ‘disclosure,’ for ‘the landing,’ for some defining moment that most likely will never come.

In early January of 1986, I was in agony. I’d been beaten up on December 26, 1985, and I was just in the process of coming to grips with the fact that something physical had happened to me. (This was when I was writing the short story Pain, which is a chronicle of my anguish and agony at that time.)
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