A few days ago, Unknown Country Climate Watch predicted "extremes of flooding" across the Northern Hemisphere. Those who read this site regularly will know how accurate Climate Watch predictions have proved to be, and this one, unfortunately, is no exception.

Unbelievable and unprecedented floods have decimated parts of the Balkans region in Europe, which was deluged by over a foot (0.3m) of rain in just two days, the equivalent of four month’s typical rainfall for that area. Large areas of Serbia, Bosnia and eastern Croatia are now under water, with an instant inland sea created across the region.
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Mysterious signals from outer space are being detected by scientists, and so far their origins are unexplained.

The Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) have been foxing astronomers since they were initially identified in 2007; the first one, named the Lorimer burst after its discoverer Duncan Lorimer, was a random signal lasting just five milliseconds. This original FRB was so fleeting that it left researchers wondering for years whether it had merely been a malfunction in one of the telescope’s instruments, but since then several other isolated signals have been detected.
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Last June 27, I wrote the diary below. At the time I was on radiation and chemotherapy. Nobody really expected me to still be here in May of 2014, but here I am. I’m on chemotherapy 5 days a month and so far my tumor, against all expectations, hasn’t changed since the day of the surgery in May of 2013.

And now I’ve found some gems of wisdom in the comics again. In Bizarro: A woman is saying, "Mr. Fancy Toolbelt can’t produce one toilet plunger?" This reminded me of how much Whitley has changed, now that he’s got all the household chores on his hands. A year ago, he definitely could never have found the toilet plunger. Now he can put his hands on it with his eyes closed. (He’s a darn good cook, too!)
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The manuscripts that Avery Morrow has been translating include explosive prophecies that are pointed directly at our own time. Here, Whitley Strieber asks him to tell us about those documents and what they say, with mind-blowing results!

In the Kujiki manuscript, for example, Avery has uncovered a secret symbolism that contains a modern prophecy of apocalypse. He demonstrates direct parallels to Egyptian, Indian and ancient European beliefs, with the difference that these documents are intact and very clear in their predictions.
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