A recent study has measured the potential effect a simple Google search can have on the potential outcome of a major election, and it’s not a small one, as the search engine’s article ranking algorithm could determine the outcome of up to 25% of all national elections.
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Yes, it could easily be hoaxed, but I have a soft place in my heart for haunted houses, and Tutbury Castle in England, which I have had the pleasure of visiting, has been host to the Tutbury Ghost for generations. Your Out There editor is a believer! Graded: Who Knows? Enjoy!
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The current algal bloom being experienced along the Pacific coast is far larger than any previously recorded. They are cyclical and occur in the summer. The algae is extremely toxic. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, this bloom stretches from California to Alaska, is 40 miles wide and as much as 650 feet deep. It is believed to be caused by the fact that ocean waters in the northeast Pacific are unusually warm. Researchers are calling it "the blob."
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When last "Stephen" was on the program, he shared with us a dream he had that seemed very real–a dream of visiting an afterlife weigh station. Now, he returns with an update. After a bit of research, he has found the people he spoke to in the dream. They are real. And they are dead. And this is only the jumping-off point for a fascinating discussion about the afterlife, reincarnation, and the Visitors.
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