Underground Journalists Fight Against ISIL’s Propoganda Machine
One of Islamic State’s most dangerous weapons is their propaganda campaign, being spread via the internet, social media, and ISIL’s online propaganda magazine, "Dabiq". This propaganda is aimed at establishing the legitimacy of Islamic State’s caliphate, and perhaps more insidiously, to recruit like-minded jihadists to their cause. However, there are underground journalists that are publishing their own works to counter ISIL’s claims, spreading the truth about what is going on inside the caliphate.
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Fairy Lights Holography: Japanese Researchers Develop a Safe Open-Air Interactive Hologram
A research team from Tsukuba University in Japan has announced their development of an apparatus that is capable of projecting open-air holograms that are safe for humans to interact with.
While the practice of modern holography was invented in 1962, the holograms produced were imprinted on clear glass or plastic sheets, and required the viewer to look through that medium to view the holographic image itself. Open-air holography methods using fast-pulsing lasers have been developed in recent years, but the images themselves were hazardous, as the plasma generated in the air to produce the image was hot enough to burn human skin.
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Woman Sues U.S. Government for Lost JFK Assassination Film
In the decades since the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963, a myriad of documentary evidence from the events of that day have been used to try to gain a better understanding of how JFK was killed in Dealey plaza. Audio recordings, photographs, and the infamous Zapruder film have been extensively analyzed to try to paint a picture of what happened that day. However, a second film recording of the president’s motorcade, largely forgotten by history, has become the subject of a lawsuit, launched by an heir of the original filmmaker.
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