There was a time before CGI, internet trolls and hoaxers and people earning a few bucks from click throughs that there were real UFO photos around. This is one of them. It was taken in 1957 over Edwards AFB and has never been explained. Astronaut Gordon Cooper witnessed a UFO landing at Edwards, and spoke of it often. His encounter also took place in 1957.

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This is not a CGI effect, and the object is moving in ways that would be difficult to do with a radio-controlled drone, although not impossible. It could be a drone, but it’s also possible that it’s an unknown object.
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After two strokes, I am spending most of my time in a wheelchair. I’m practically a bionic woman. I have to be fed through a tube that has been inserted into my stomach. I can look at my left arm, which is nice, but I can’t make it do anything. I cannot see well enough to read, which is a real bore. I can eat only bits of pudding and thickened drinks like tea and coffee. Whitley reads the papers to me in the morning while I have a cup of tea so thick it has to be eaten with a spoon–and then, only in tiny bits.
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We’ve talked on this show about orbs of light, light balls that morph into beings of light, and fireballs that appear as harbingers of death. Now, we hear from Chris Brown who walks us through his personal orb encounters of a different kind in the small town of Sublimity, Oregon. The illustration is his depiction of what he saw during his experience. He had multiple witness encounters in 2011, and came away with some extraordinary memories. Listen as he and Jeremy Vaeni explore the details of this remarkable experience.
"It caught my eye at once: a huge glass dome behind the trees."
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