Founder and President of The Academy for Future Science, an international NGO (non-government organization). He is a social scientist, futurist, remote sensing and space law specialist. He is author of twenty books, his best-seller is The Keys of Enoch®.  Among his other books is one he co-authored with physicist, Russell Targ, entitled End of Suffering.  He has two Ph.Ds, one from the University of California (1977), and one from the University of Minnesota (1993). His M.Th. is from Luther Theological Seminary where he studied early Greek, Latin and Coptic literature from the Patristic more

Do people who invoke highly strange experiences through religious ritual and magic count as experiencers? Are phenomena the same for those who invite these things into their lives as those who do not? We tackle these issues with one half of the Project Archivist team, Lobo, who practices his own version of Santeria, as taught to him by his grandfather and two spirit guides who comes in the form of animals.

To find out more about Lobo and Project Archivist, visit
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We’ve all heard for dozens of years of innovative cancer cures confiscated by the government. Often, the innovation had to do with esoteric technologies that could be mistaken for quackery by the uninitiated. But what happens when a miraculous cure comes from a super-molecule that is already part of one’s own body – and it appears to have the power to reverse end-stage cancer, heal a variety of other illness, create remarkable improvements in autistic children, and ‘reboot’ a damaged human microbiome?

Does the government jump on it to accelerate research on this potential miracle cure? Or does it jump all over the manufacturer to prevent further R & D?
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Huge new craters are spontaneously opening up in the melting permafrost in northern Russia. Though the exact cause is as yet undermined, the sudden appearance of an enormous new crater surrounded by 20 little ones – within six miles of a major gas product plant – has put residents and scientists on high alert.

Professor Bogoyavlensky, deputy director of the Moscow-based Oil and Gas Research Institute, part of the Russian Academy of Sciences said, "It is important not to scare people, but this is a very serious problem. … We must research this phenomenon urgently to prevent possible disasters. We cannot rule out new gas emissions in the Arctic and in some cases they can ignite."
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