There are rumors that something unusual has crashed into frozen Lake Winnipeg on the Jackhead Indian Reservation in Manitoba. Out There has not been able to confirm these rumors, and some very dubious YouTube sites are milking the story for hits. The attached video has few hits, and there are elements of the object that are familiar to us from authentic videos. Of course, they could be familiar to hoaxers, too. Out There’s take: something is may be happening on Lake Winnipeg, be it some sort of military operation, the recovery of a known object that has crashed, or the recovery of a crashed unknown.

Our photo experts are far from convinced by this footage:

Expert One:
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Here is a Japanese version of the recipe:

1st 1000 days: Subsist on a diet of water, seeds and nuts.

2nd 1000 days: Eat only roots, pine bark and a special tea made from the sap of the Chinese lacquer tree. (This is the source of the lacquer used on bowls and plates. It is excellent for repelling maggots and bacteria as well as for sealing human fate.)

Finally: Seal yourself into a cave, enter deep meditation, and await ascension.
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When in his final tweet as a presidential adviser, John Podesta said that he was disappointed that he had been unable to achieve release of still secret UFO files in 2014, the general media at first assumed that it was a joke. When his past record on the subject became clear and it was realized that he wasn’t joking, most outlets fell silent. The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal were all silent. And yet it’s major news when a man of Podesta’s stature, not to say his access to classified documents, says something like that.
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This could be a formation of balloons, but the brightness of the lights compared to the size make that problematic. There would be the matter of battery weight, but it’s still possible–just. Still, an interesting possible unknown.
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