To tan or not to tan – that is the question. Given the long-standing prejudice against ‘people of color’ – it’s ironic that people without much color to their skin risk their health to acquire more. And now it turns out that the cancer-causing damage done to the skin through exposure to the sun – which begins a second after you step outside your door for an innocent, unprotected stroll on a beautiful day – continues even hours after the exposure has ended.
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What happens when something observed at great distance defies all current expectations and explanations? What happens is an array of strong reactions, including this one from Planetary scientist Todd Clancy of the Space Science Institute – "I don’t think it’s real. … Basic physics says this can’t occur."

And yet, it appears that it has occurred – more than once. It’s just that it wasn’t previously noticed until one day in 2012, when amateur astronomer Wayne Jaeschke of West Chester, Pennsylvania was reviewing footage of Mars that he’d captured in his private observatory.
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Can you be an experiencer even if you don’t consider yourself one? How many high strangeness experiences does one need to have happen to be called an experiencer? We’ll talk about it with one half of the Project Archivist podcast team, Roejen, who has had a number of odd experiences in his life and yet doesn’t consider himself an experiencer… even in the face of his latest: a UFO sighting that shook him to his core.
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Since we last talked to Rand Flem-Ath about crustal shift, Earth’s magnetic pole has begun wandering dramatically, and earthquakes of unknown origin as well as unexplained booms have become commonplace. What does this all mean in terms of crustal shift? Could Earth’s crust be about to actually move on the mantle, dramatically changing the positions of the continents? If so, what would this mean and could we survive it?

Listen as Rand Flem-Ath tells us what his and Rose Flem-Ath’s research suggests happened in the past, and what, exactly, would take place if another crustal shift occurred.

This important interview is a ‘do not miss!’

Rand and Rose Flem-Ath’s website is


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