In one of the Greek myths, the exquisitely handsome hunter Narcissus, son of a river god and a water nymph, comes upon his reflection in a pond and falls hopelessly in love. Seeking to merge with this beautiful image of the Other, he falls in and drowns.

It’s easy to assume that extraordinarily attractive people are shallow narcissists. Everyone else is in awe of their beauty so they must be smitten, as well. We also expect that one day they will get their comeuppance – given how the news is littered with stories of the ‘ride that goeth before the fall’ among the beautiful, rich, and famously addicted.
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This stationary object is extremely unusual. It’s not being affected by air movement at all. Given all the witness, it’s not a CGI effect, and it is unlikely to be a dirigible, drone or balloon. This is an unknown object hanging over a major city. Ignored by the media, of course. But what it if happens in Washington?
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Have the Phoenix Lights come back? One of our photo experts comments: "If this isn’t a computer-controlled array of drones (unlikely due to the brightness of the lights at a considerable distance), it could be the real thing." There are indeed a lot of UFO events taking place at present. If you get any video, send it to us.

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The threat of being replaced by a robot in ever more areas doesn’t just apply to humans any more. Now highly-trained dogs who can sniff-out the scent of illness or impending seizure in their humans may soon be outmoded by the SNIFFPHONE, which will be able to ‘read’ your breath through micro- and nano-sensors and then transfer the information through your smartphone to an information processing system for assessment and diagnoses.

The SNIFFPHONE is being developed by an international consortium of researchers led by Professor Hossam Haick of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology whose ‘electronic nose’ read more