Last week, Whitley explained the descending branch of the Tarot cross, ruled by the High Priestess and ending in the card of Judgment. This week, he discusses the left hand path, ruled by the Emperor and dominated by chance and chaos. It is the past that the entire living world is on, which leads along its directionless way to destruction. But the Tarot, uniquely, also offers a clear vision of how to escape from the left hand path, which is outlined in the ascending branch of the Tarot cross and the right hand path. But do we really want to leave the left hand path, to find out way beyond material life and the randomness that governs it? Truthfully, very few of us are attracted to this higher direction. But it’s there, and next week we will begin to explore more

A team of researchers have announced they have completed a map of a previously unknown weather system. Unlike other known weather systems however, this map has recorded wind speeds of 5,400 mph, on a planet 63 light-years away.

This new weather map, generated by astrophysicists at the University of Warwick, in Coventry, England, is of exoplanet HD 189733 b. This is a gas giant that is 14% larger than Jupiter, orbiting the star HD 189733 A, found in the constellation of Vulpecula. It is very close to it’s parent star — nearly 13 times closer than Mercury is to the Sun — and orbits it’s star every 2.2 days.
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Part Three of the Path of the Tarot. Here, Whitley Strieber describes the triad of the lower branch of the Tarot cross: The Lover, the Devil and Death, and the forth card that emerges when the three are in balance: Judgment. But what are the hidden energies that give this triad its power. Next week, we examine the Left Hand Path.
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Let’s take a break from high intensity Dreamlands and go on a road trip this week. But—whoa—it’s with Nick Redfern, and isn’t he, well, a monster hunter? He is indeed, and fasten your seatbelts, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride as we traverse the narrow mountain roads of Puerto Rico in search of the legendary goat-sucker.
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