In 1992, Michael Murphy, co-founder of Esalen – the womb of the human potential movement – published The Future of the Body: Explorations into the Further Evolution of Human Nature. In it he shared some of the fruits from his 40+ year collection of news articles and historic anecdotes of incidents in which individuals performed at levels that surpass consensus belief in what is humanly possible – physically, mentally and/or spiritually.
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If Consciousness is the Source, force, substance and essence of the Universe – as many mystics believe that it is – then everything that exists would necessarily be a manifest expression of Universal Consciousness. There’s certainly nothing new about this notion. What is new is the growing intersection of quantum physics and ancient mysticism, and the application of leading-edge science to understand Near Death Experiences.
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2015 has surprises in store for us, and John Hogue knows what they are. Here, he discusses black swans and outliers, including a remarkable exact Nostradamus prophecy about Iran. Deep insight into the near future from one of the world’s few accurate prophets.

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From the escalating threat of terrorism to environmental change and dramatic shifts in climate, 2015 is likely to be a year of great drama. What’s the worst and best we can expect? John Hogue predicts. He gives us insight into his new book, 10 Predictions for 2015 and offers specific predictions regarding what will happen in the middle east this year.
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