Publisher’s Marketplace has just announced what promises to be a major new book from Whitley Strieber writing in collaboration with Jeffry J. Kripal, Chair of Religious Studies at Rice University in more

It may have been the WEATHER that did them in. Researcher Julien Riel-Salvatore says, "It’s been long believed that Neanderthals were outcompeted by fitter modern humans and they could not adapt. We are changing the main narrative. Neanderthals were just as adaptable and in many ways, simply victims of their own success."

Researcher Michael Barton agrees and says, "Neanderthals could have disappeared NOT because they were somehow less fit than all other hominins who existed during the last glaciation, but because they were as behaviorally sophisticated as modern humans."
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There have been flying horse UFOs over Milan and Mecca, both of which turned out to be toy balloons, but this doesn’t seem to fit that description. It could be a drone being flown by somebody attempting to observe the Colima eruption, or it could be something stranger. In either case, it is an unknown at this time.

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What happens when hardcore skeptics have an inexplicable encounter with the paranormal? Their eyes may open, their heart may soften, and their conviction in the rectitude of their own opinions may be forever shaken – providing they’re intellectually honest. The founder of Skeptic magazine clearly is an honest man; for when Michael Shermer had a close encounter of another kind on his wedding day last year, he let the whole world know about it in his monthly column in Scientific American.
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