This footage taken in a Florida swamp could be a bear or a person or a primate that stands erect. If it is a primate, it isn’t a zoo animal. If the person who took the video is right about how the animal behaved, then it is not a bear. Our analysis of its shape indicates that it is less likely human than primate. It seems improbable that it’s somebody in an ape suit, given that they are splashing around in the water. The fact that the foreground is full of twigs and limbs makes it a very difficult computer graphic to accomplish. While we can never rule anything out these days, the most probable explanation is that this is a real, physical animal of some sort.
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Now that we know that the ‘feeling of being watched’ is not a paranoid delusion, and that we actually are being watched all the time – even through the walls of our homes –isn’t it about time you built your own Internet?

That’s what techno-activists and growing communities of users are doing at this very moment – thanks to the advent of wireless networking. And they want you to join with them.
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The Super Natural: a New Vision of the Unexplained is the new book Whitley Strieber is writing with Jeffrey Kripal, the Rayzor Professor of Religion at Rice University. It will be published by Tarcher/Penguin in February of next year. They are calling it the most important book on the paranormal since Charles Fort published the Book of the Damned in 1919.

Listen to Whitley read the first chapter of this amazing book. The beginning of a truly new vision, at last.
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Unexplained booms, bizarre earthquakes–the first 12 days of January are almost beyond explanation. Learn more in this special 1 hour Dreamland. The second half hour is the section normally reserved for subscribers. Please enjoy it, and consider subscribing to
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