One of the most destructive dilemmas in warfare – be it military or medical – is the ‘collateral damage’ inadvertently inflicted on innocent bystanders. The ‘gold standard’ in both arenas is precision delivery of the ‘payload’ to the target.

In the West, the recommended way to battle terminal cancer has been invasive surgery and/or a toxic brew of chemicals that indiscriminately destroy healthy cells. But all that is about to change.
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Janet Colli has worked with many close encounter witnesses, helping them through their trauma. Here, she demonstrates what an initial session by interviewing Whitley Strieber as if he was a first time patient. Explore this intimate and very private encounter between this skilled therapist and the world’s best known close encounter witness.

Janet’s website is
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Is life itself a shared dream embedded within consciousness? If so, what might Visitor phenomena represent? In part one of a two-part interview, scientist-turned-philosopher Bernardo Kastrup joins us to discuss some of the ideas in his latest book, Why Materialism Is Balony: How True Skeptics Know There Is No Death and Fathom Answers to Life the Universe and Everything.

To learn more about Bernardo and his work, please visit him online at
To watch Bernardo interview Jeremy in what he feels is one of the best interviews he’s ever given, check it out on YouTube.
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Human beings are deeply sensitive. You are. As a result, we are all traumatized. Janet Collie brings her great wisdom and wealth of experience treating every kind of trauma to this deeply freeing interview. You can transcend your trauma.
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