The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released their temperature data for the Pacific Ocean, confirming that the current El Niño is the hottest ever recorded. Unfortunately, this also may guarantee that the current cycle will result in a prolonged La Niña event in the later half of 2016.

The previous record-holding El Niño period was the week of November 26, 1997, where surface temperatures were recorded at 2.8°C. The new record, for the week ending November 09, 2015, hit an even 3.0°C above normal – over seven percent higher than the previous record. This will result in more severe weather patterns in the US southwest, and possible drought conditions in Australia and Indonesia.
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We started this week’s edition of the show with the intention of speaking about sensory deprivation chambers but we never quite got there. Why? Because this week’s guest, Mark, has had a series of incidents wherein he thought he was being guided by angels and demons, separate from the inner conflicting voices we all have when it comes time to make deep decisions. And that, it turns out, was well worth talking more

This is bar none one of the best UFO shows ever to appear on Dreamland or anywhere. Larry Holcombe’s the Presidents and UFOs has already been optioned for the movies by Sony Pictures, and for good reasons: it is a startlingly insightful, brilliantly researched journey through the secret history of the presidential struggle with the UFO phenomenon.
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While Sasquatch sightings are traditionally reported in North America, it turns out that the elusive humanoid crops up in England, too. Earlier this month, Caroline Toms was walking her dog through Angmering Park Estate in Sussex, England, when the border collie started barking and took off into the woods. It was then that Toms saw what she describes as a Bigfoot-like creature.

"I only had my camera out because I was taking pictures of Ash playing. She came running back quick-as-a-flash though. I don’t know what it was, but when I had a closer look at the pictures, it certainly does look like Bigfoot to me."
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