Unknowncountry.com’s Climate Watch predicts powerful winter storms for northern and central North America and into the US Atlantic Seaboard this year. The winter started out very hard in Siberia, which experienced a record cold and snowy October. This weather pattern is already extending into the US and Canada.read more

While Islamic State is infamous for it’s horrific attacks causing the deaths of untold numbers of innocent people worldwide, their endeavors in the realm of cyberterrorism aren’t as well known. These efforts, while ambitious, are not as effective, according to U.S. authorities. And now, an unlikely cyber-combatant in the fight against ISIS has declared war on them on this front.
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Researchers at Harvard University are excited about what may be the biggest discovery yet made in the field of exoplanets, with University of Maryland astronomer Drake Deming calling it "arguably the most important planet ever found outside the solar system."
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ISIS released a videotaped message today threatening an attack on Washington DC, and warning that all countries involved in the war against the terror group are liable to attack. In the US, heightened airport security is being instituted, and a flight from Washington to Boston was evacuated, with two passengers questioned and then released. Crew members reported that the two passengers had been behaving in a suspicious manner. It has been known among security specialists that groups planning terror attacks will often prepare by testing procedures this way. Passengers throughout the US are being asked to be especially vigilant, and to report anything that seems out of character.read more