NASA’s Eagleworks laboratories has recently released the results of their latest, upgraded experiments designed to evaluate a controversial propulsion device, one that does not use physical propellant to produce thrust, as traditional rockets use. Their verdict: the EmDrive appears to work. As this drive would provide continuous acceleration, it would make space travel much faster. A trip to Mars, for example, could be cut from months to just a few weeks. The drives being tested now provide very little thrust, but much more powerful engines can be built.

The EmDrive, short for Electromagnetic Drive, was first proposed and built by British engineer Roger Shawyer in more

A new study of satellite data from NASA says that the overall ice sheet that covers Antarctica has been slowly thickening. However, the two sides of the continent are seeing contrasting effects: warming conditions in West Antarctica have been contributing to the retreat pof  the ices sheets there, and increasing the destabilization of the more

NASA has recently released images taken by the International Space Station crew of massive Neolithic earthworks that are found in modern-day Kazakhstan. 260 sites have been identified, of which form a variety of patterns, including a 900-foot square that is criss-crossed with an X, and a three-armed swastika that sports further curves on the ends of it’s arms.

Initially discovered in 2007 by archaeology enthusiast Dmitriy Dey, the mounds, estimated to be 8,000 years old, have upended archaeologists’ theories regarding what were supposed to be nomadic cultures in the region at that time.
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I have been having an extraordinary time engaging with my wife. What has happened is beyond anything I would ever have expected. Anne was a teacher, and she still is. Not only that, she loved Dreamland and always participated as much as she could. When she could not lean in and ask questions herself because her voice was too weak, she whispered them to me and I asked them.
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