The residents of a community on the north end of Vancouver Island in Canada are being haunted by mysterious howls coming from the woods, of which are also accompanied by sightings of the elusive creature known as Sasquatch, or Bigfoot.

At night, the residents of the community of Alert Bay, on Cormorant Island, British Columbia, have heard strange, non-human howling noises, despite the lack of wildlife on the small island. Some have suggested that what they’re hearing is the howling of a dog, but witness Art Dick dismisses that theory: "With that volume, absolutely not. No dog can make that kind of a noise, with that volume."
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Hurricane Joaquin’s winds missed the US Eastern Seaboard, but the storm caused massive flooding in South Carolina, resulting in at least 19 deaths, burst dams, flooded streets, highways and homes, and serious and growing water shortages due to damage to water systems and reservoirs. Because the storm moved rapidly out to sea, already waterlogged parts of the region farther north were spared. The flooding in South Carolina is said to be the worst ever recorded, and is being called a thousand year flood, of which we now have many.

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Mediums can be fakes, and skillful fakes, and in our modern world, we dismiss them all. We do this under the assumption that there is no soul and therefore no afterlife. But is that a true assumption? Maxine Meilleur would say it’s false, and in this wide-ranging interview with Whitley Strieber, she relates some profoundly convincing stories of mediumship that all add up to the same thing: the modern world is making a fundamental mistake. Just as science is gaining the capacity to understand why there might be such a thing as conscious energy, the general media, intellectuals and many scientists are retreating into rigid denial. read more

Picking up where he left off last week, host Jeremy Vaeni shares with us his visitor encounters from adulthood and gives us his latest thinking on how some of them may have come about. But first, he explores synchronicities and Star Wars – a bizarre connection from childhood he had all but forgotten until pondering last week’s episode.
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