Approximately 800 trillion becquerel of Cesium-137 is expected to reach the West Coast of North America by 2016, according to Michio Aoyama, a professor at Japan’s Fukushima University Institute of Environmental Radioactivity. Professor Aoyama says that this would be the equivalent of 5 percent of the total discharge of 3,500 trillion Bq of Cs-137 into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

However, Aoyama says that the isotope’s impact on human health won’t be significant. "Even if all the 800 tera bq Cs-137 have arrived, the radiation levels will stay at relatively low level that aren’t expected to harm human health," said Aoyama.
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After a long and courageous struggle, Anne Strieber died on August 11, 2015. She founded as Whitleysworld in 1998. In 2001, she changed the name and expanded it to include what she described as "the credible edge of science and reality." She was its managing editor until January of 2015. Anne was also a novelist, and published three books, "the Cave" as Anne Matthews, "the Invisible Woman," and her personal favorite, "Little Town Lies," both as Anne Strieber. In nonfiction, she published "the Communion Letters," a compendium of letters from close encounter witnesses. She was also the author of "Anne’s Diary" on this more

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Deb Kauble is perhaps better known by her pseudonym "Kathy Davis" in Budd Hopkins’ book Intruders. Most of us are familiar with what she experienced in the 1980s, but what does she make of it all now these many decades later? On this episode, Deb shares her experiences and her thoughts on Visitor phenomena and the link between those beings, paranormal phenomena, and the afterlife. This one goes deep and at angles you won’t hear elsewhere, as we take a look back at the life of one of the most famous abductees of our time.

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On August 6th at 3:03 AM, I heard a loud engine noise in the sky. It sounded like a plane was going down. As it got closer it sounded a little more like a helicopter. It passed almost directly over my house in Vallejo, heading west towards the ocean. I looked out my window and saw it for only a few seconds before it passed from my view, but I saw it very clearly in the bright moonlight. It was a large diamond or kite-shaped flat craft gliding swiftly (but much more slowly than a jet aircraft. It seemed more like it was "hovering" as it moved).read more