When last "Stephen" was on the program, he shared with us a dream he had that seemed very real–a dream of visiting an afterlife weigh station. Now, he returns with an update. After a bit of research, he has found the people he spoke to in the dream. They are real. And they are dead. And this is only the jumping-off point for a fascinating discussion about the afterlife, reincarnation, and the Visitors.
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September appears to be yet another doomsday month, so head for your shelters. Or perhaps not.

The latest doomsday prediction convincing the unwary concerns a comet that is supposed to collide with the Earth, this one with a near-future arrival date of mid-September. But what is the validity of this new prophesy?

Originating with an announcement by self-proclaimed prophet, Reverend Efrain Rodriguez, and propagated by conspiracy blogger Lyn Leahz, the prediction is that there is a 2.5 mile-wide comet that is emanating "hellish mystery sounds", that is on a collision course with the Earth, and will cause unprecedented climatological upheaval upon impact.
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The flaperon that was discovered on a beach on Reunion Island has been confirmed to have come from Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. This has just been announced by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.  The debris has been under analysis at a specialized lab in Toulouse, France. Air crash investigators should also shortly confirm what attitude the plane was in when it struck water, but the appearance of the flaperon, with a ragged trailing edge, suggests that Flight 370 was ditched. The flaperons would have been the first part of the wings to touch the water, and most likely the first parts to become detached from the plane, meaning that they would have been among intact debris.
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