Amateur photographer Sandra Stuteley of Peterborough in the UK took a series of photographs of some strange aerial objects on April 12, and after consulting family and friends, is requesting that the public offer suggestions about what this may be. Our photography experts are stumped. The best natural explanation that they could come up with was a large insect with sunlight glaring off its eyes, but this seems far fetched.
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A fragment of the wing of a Boeing 777 has washed up on Reunion Island 580 miles southeast of Madagascar. The part, a wing element called a flaperon, was found thousands of miles from where Indonesian Airlines Flight 370 was believed to have crashed in the ocean after disappearing on March 18, 2014. But is this enough to determine whether or not it is from that airplane, and if so, if the plane did indeed crash? As yet, while there is high confidence that the part is from a 777, there is no certain evidence that it’s from Flight more

Joseph Farrell joins us for week one of one of the deepest explorations of the influence of Nazism in modern life that you will ever hear. Did you know that even though representatives of the German Army and the German Nation signed surrender documents at the end of World War II, the Nazi Party did no such thing. Listen as Joseph Farrell tells us about such mysteries as the origins of the modern jihad movement in the Berlin of the Nazi era, or the chilling journey of John McCone from Hitler’s box at the 1936 Olympics to his pivotal role on the Warren Commission that covered up the Kennedy assassination.
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Steve and Shelene consider themselves a straight-laced, skeptically-minded couple with little tolerance for what they consider New Age belief. But that doesn’t mean they haven’t had high strangeness experiences of their own–including the most recent one involving a group of New Age spiritual healers!

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